Second Phase of Mass Struggle in India (1927-1939)
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- Between 1927 and 1939, India witnessed a pivotal period in its relentless pursuit of freedom from British colonial rule. This era marked a profound transformation, characterized by fervent political activism, mass mobilization, and the emergence of visionary leaders who would leave an indelible mark on the nation’s destiny. Known as the Second Phase of Mass Struggle, these years were defined by significant events and movements that galvanized the Indian population, nurturing a spirit of unity and unwavering resolve to break free from the shackles of colonial oppression.
Second Phase of Mass Struggle in India (1927-1939) PPT – Lec 9
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The Second Phase of Mass Struggle in India (1927-1939): A Journey Towards Independence
The period between 1927 and 1939 marked a crucial phase in India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule. During these years, several significant events and movements shaped the course of India’s freedom struggle, leading the nation closer to its ultimate goal of self-rule. This article explores key events during this period, highlighting their causes, consequences, and their collective impact on India’s fight for independence.
Simon Commission
In 1927, the British government appointed the Simon Commission to assess the constitutional progress in India. However, the Commission comprised only British members and no Indian representation, sparking widespread protests and outrage. The Indian leaders united in their demand for self-governance, and boycotted the Commission, emphasizing the need for Indians to have a say in their own constitutional affairs.
- The spark that ignited the Second Phase of the Mass Struggle was the formation of the Simon Commission in 1927. This all-British committee, devoid of any Indian representation, was tasked with reviewing the Government of India Act of 1919. The blatant disregard for Indian voices led to widespread protests, symbolizing the growing demand for active Indian participation in shaping the country’s future.
Here is the complete table detailing the key information about the Simon Commission:
Event | Simon Commission |
Formation | Established in 1927 by the British government. |
Purpose | To assess the working of the Government of India Act of 1919 and suggest reforms for the future constitutional setup in India. |
Composition | Comprised seven members, all of whom were British, and no Indian representation, sparking widespread protests and boycotts in India. |
Response in India | Met with strong opposition and protests in India due to the absence of Indian members. The slogan “Simon Go Back” became popular during these protests. |
Indian Leaders’ Boycott | Indian leaders boycotted the Commission in protest against the absence of Indian representation, emphasizing the need for Indians to have a say in their own constitutional affairs. |
Outcome | Despite Indian protests, the Commission submitted its report in 1930, leading to further discontent and contributing to the momentum of the Indian independence movement. The protests against the Simon Commission highlighted the unity and determination of the Indian people in their fight for self-governance. |
Significance | The Simon Commission and the protests against it underscored the growing demand for Indian participation in decision-making processes, fueling the movement for independence and ultimately shaping India’s future political landscape. |
Demand of Purna Swaraj – Causes and Consequences
The dissatisfaction with the Simon Commission led to the demand for Purna Swaraj, or complete independence, by the Indian National Congress in 1929. On January 26, 1930, the Congress declared Purna Swaraj as the goal of the Indian freedom movement. This demand united Indians across different regions, religions, and backgrounds, fostering a sense of national unity and purpose.
- In 1930, the Indian National Congress, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, declared Purna Swaraj or complete independence as its ultimate goal. This proclamation resonated across the nation, uniting Indians from diverse backgrounds and regions under a single, fervent cry for freedom. The demand for Purna Swaraj became the rallying point for the entire nation, emphasizing the need to break free from the chains of colonial rule.
Here is the complete table detailing the key information about the Demand of Purna Swaraj (Complete Independence), its causes, and consequences:
Event | Demand of Purna Swaraj (Complete Independence) |
Year | 1929 |
Causes |
Key Proponents | Indian National Congress, under the leadership of Jawaharlal Nehru. |
Declaration Date | January 26, 1930 |
Declaration Venue | Lahore Session of the Indian National Congress |
Content | The resolution declared that the Indian National Congress and the Indian people would no longer accept British authority and would work towards achieving complete independence, or Purna Swaraj. It called for civil disobedience and non-cooperation with the British government. |
Symbolic Action | Hoisting of the Indian National Congress flag on January 26, 1930, which later became India’s Republic Day. |
Consequences |
Legacy | The demand for Purna Swaraj remains a pivotal moment in India’s history, symbolizing the unity and determination of the Indian people in their pursuit of freedom and self-governance. It eventually led to the fulfillment of this demand in 1947 when India gained independence from British colonial rule. |
Dandi March and Civil Disobedience Movement – Causes and Consequences
The year 1930 witnessed the iconic Dandi March led by Mahatma Gandhi. This symbolic act of defiance against the salt tax galvanized the nation. Following the Dandi March, the Civil Disobedience Movement was launched, urging Indians to peacefully protest and resist British laws. The movement resulted in mass protests, boycotts, and acts of civil disobedience, significantly weakening the colonial administration and demonstrating the power of nonviolent resistance.
- Mahatma Gandhi’s Dandi March in 1930 marked the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement. By walking 240 miles to the Arabian Sea and making salt in defiance of British laws, Gandhi showcased the power of nonviolent resistance. This act of civil disobedience inspired millions to join the movement, advocating for the boycott of British goods and institutions. The movement not only challenged the economic foundations of colonialism but also highlighted the moral high ground of the Indian struggle for independence.
Here is a complete table detailing the key information about the Dandi March and the Civil Disobedience Movement, including their causes and consequences:
Event | Dandi March and Civil Disobedience Movement |
Year | 1930 |
Causes |
Leadership | Led by Mahatma Gandhi, along with numerous followers and supporters. |
Dandi March Start Date | March 12, 1930 |
Dandi March End Date | April 6, 1930 |
Route | From Sabarmati Ashram in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, to Dandi, a coastal village in Gujarat. |
Objective | To produce salt from seawater in defiance of British salt laws and taxes. |
Civil Disobedience Movement Start Date** | Launched on the same day as the Dandi March, March 12, 1930. |
Civil Disobedience Movement End Date | Officially concluded in 1934, but various forms of civil disobedience continued until India gained independence in 1947. |
Methods | Civil disobedience, nonviolent protests, boycotts of British goods, non-cooperation with the British authorities, and non-payment of taxes. |
Consequences |
Legacy | The Dandi March and Civil Disobedience Movement remain iconic symbols of India’s nonviolent struggle for independence. They exemplify the power of peaceful resistance and continue to inspire movements advocating social change and justice globally. |
Round Table Conferences
The British government organized three Round Table Conferences in London between 1930 and 1932 to discuss constitutional reforms in India. However, these conferences failed to yield a consensus between Indian leaders and the British authorities. Despite this, the conferences provided a platform for Indian leaders to articulate their demands and aspirations, laying the groundwork for future negotiations.
Here is a complete table detailing the key information about the Round Table Conferences:
Event | Round Table Conferences |
Year | 1930-1932 |
Objective | To discuss constitutional reforms in India and determine a future political framework that would involve Indian participation. |
Organizers | British Government |
Participants | Representatives from the British Government, Indian National Congress, All-India Muslim League, and other political parties and communities. |
First Round Table Conference | Date: November 1930 – January 1931
Key Points:
Second Round Table Conference | Date: September 1931 – December 1931
Key Points:
Third Round Table Conference | Date: November 1932 – December 1932
Key Points:
Outcome |
Significance | The Round Table Conferences represented a significant chapter in India’s constitutional history. Although they did not result in immediate reforms, they facilitated dialogue between various communities and laid the groundwork for future negotiations and discussions, contributing to the eventual framing of the Indian Constitution after independence. |
Poona Pact
In 1932, the Poona Pact was signed between Dr. B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi, ensuring reserved political representation for the Dalits (untouchables) in Indian politics. This pact was a significant step toward social justice and political inclusion, fostering a more equitable political system.
Here is a complete table detailing the key information about the Poona Pact:
Event | Poona Pact |
Year | 1932 |
Location | Yerwada Central Jail, Poona (now Pune), Maharashtra, India |
Context | Communal Award, a British decision to provide separate electorates for Dalits (untouchables) in India, granting them reserved seats in provincial legislatures. Dr. B.R. Ambedkar supported separate electorates for Dalits to ensure their political representation. Mahatma Gandhi opposed it, fearing further division among Indians. |
Participants | Dr. B.R. Ambedkar representing Dalits, and Madan Mohan Malaviya representing the Congress party. |
Outcome | An agreement was reached to reserve seats for Dalits (Scheduled Castes) within the general electorates, ensuring political representation without separate electorates. This decision was incorporated into the Government of India Act, of 1935. |
Concessions |
Consequences |
Significance | The Poona Pact played a pivotal role in addressing the issue of political representation for Dalits, fostering social harmony, and ensuring their participation in the political arena. It demonstrated the power of dialogue and compromise in resolving contentious issues, laying the foundation for a more inclusive and equitable democratic system in India. |
Government of India Act, 1935
The Government of India Act, of 1935, introduced provincial autonomy and increased the participation of Indians in the legislative process. While it fell short of complete self-rule, it marked a significant shift in India’s constitutional framework, paving the way for further political reforms and empowering Indian leaders to govern their provinces.
Here is a complete table detailing the key information about the Government of India Act, 1935:
Event | Government of India Act, 1935 |
Year | 1935 |
Type | An Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom |
Objective | To reform the government of British India and provide a framework for self-government, with a goal of eventual provincial autonomy and federal unity. |
Key Features |
Consequences |
Significance | The Government of India Act, of 1935, marked a significant step in the constitutional evolution of British India. While it fell short of complete self-rule, it provided a framework for provincial autonomy and established democratic institutions, contributing to the political education of Indian leaders and the eventual transition to full independence in 1947. |
Faizpur Agrarian Programme, 1936
Under the leadership of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati, the Faizpur Agrarian Programme was launched in 1936, addressing the grievances of farmers and agricultural laborers. The movement aimed at securing land rights and fair wages, highlighting the socioeconomic issues faced by rural India and emphasizing the need for comprehensive agrarian reforms.
Here is a complete table detailing the key points about the Faizpur Agrarian Programme, 1936:
Event | Faizpur Agrarian Programme, 1936 |
Year | 1936 |
Organized By | Indian National Congress |
Occasion | 50th Annual Session of the Indian National Congress |
Date | December 1936 |
Location | Faizpur, India |
Presided Over By | Jawaharlal Nehru, who was at his peak of influence in the Congress. |
Agenda | Highlighted the country’s pressing problems, including poverty, unemployment, and farmers’ indebtedness. |
Demands |
Influence on Congress | The demands made in the Faizpur Agrarian Programme had a significant impact on the Congress manifesto, especially concerning agrarian policies, for the provincial elections in 1937. |
Collaboration with AIKS | Joint meeting with the All India Kisan Sabha (AIKS), where AIKS’ agenda influenced the Congress’s stance on agrarian issues. |
Significance | The Faizpur Agrarian Programme addressed critical issues faced by farmers, paving the way for agrarian reforms and reflecting the Congress’s commitment to rural development. It also showcased the collaboration between Congress and peasant unions in addressing farmers’ concerns. |
Leadership Impact | The session was presided over by Jawaharlal Nehru, enhancing his influence within the Congress party during a crucial period in India’s political history. |
Legacy | The Faizpur Agrarian Programme highlighted the importance of agrarian issues in Indian politics, shaping future policies and emphasizing the need for social and economic reforms in rural areas. |
Indian Provincial Election, 1937
In 1937, India conducted its first provincial elections based on the Government of India Act, of 1935. The Indian National Congress emerged as the majority party in several provinces, forming governments and showcasing the people’s support for the Congress’s vision of independence and self-governance.
Here is a complete table detailing the key points about the Indian Provincial Election, 1937:
Event | Indian Provincial Election, 1937 |
Year | 1936-1937 |
Held In | British India |
Mandated By | Government of India Act, 1935 |
Purpose | To elect representatives for provincial assemblies in British India. |
Total Provincial Assembly Seats | 1585 |
Winning Party | Indian National Congress (INC) |
INC’s Total Seats Won | 711 out of 1585 (absolute majority in five provinces) |
Provinces Won by INC | Madras, Bihar, Orissa, Central Provinces, United Provinces |
Near-Majority in | Bombay (86 out of 175 seats; formed a ministry with the support of independents) |
INC’s Status in Other Provinces | Largest party in Bengal; Significant presence in Punjab, Sindh, and Assam |
Significance |
Legacy | The 1937 elections played a pivotal role in India’s political evolution, setting the stage for the eventual independence and shaping the country’s democratic institutions. |
Wardha Education Scheme
Initiated in 1937, the Wardha Education Scheme was a landmark effort in the field of education. It emphasized the need for a comprehensive and inclusive educational system, promoting basic education in rural areas and integrating traditional Indian values with modern learning. This scheme played a crucial role in nurturing a well-informed and aware citizenry, essential for the success of the independence movement.
Here is a complete table detailing the key points about the Wardha Education Scheme:
Event | Wardha Education Scheme (Nai Talim) |
Year | Proposed in 1937 by Mahatma Gandhi |
Aim | To provide free and compulsory education for seven years nationwide |
Features |
Publication Source | Ideas were published in a series of articles in the weekly Harijan. |
Philosophy | Gandhi believed that Western education created a gap between the educated few and the masses. |
Also Known As | Nai Talim or New Education |
Significance |
Legacy | The Wardha Education Scheme, also known as Nai Talim, had a lasting impact on educational philosophy in India, influencing subsequent educational reforms and emphasizing the importance of holistic and practical learning approaches. |
Legacy and Impact
The Second Phase of Mass Struggle in India left an indelible mark on the nation’s collective consciousness. The period saw the rise of leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru, Sardar Patel, and Subhas Chandra Bose, whose ideologies and actions continued to influence the freedom movement. The events of these years paved the way for the Government of India Act, of 1935, which granted a degree of autonomy to provinces, setting the stage for the eventual transfer of power.
In conclusion,
- The second phase of the mass struggle in India (1927-1939) was characterized by a series of defining moments that strengthened the resolve of the Indian people in their fight for independence. These events, marked by unity, resilience, and nonviolent resistance, laid the foundation for India’s eventual freedom in 1947. The sacrifices made and the lessons learned during this period continue to inspire generations, reminding the world of the power of determination and unity in the pursuit of justice and self-determination.
Also Read: India Journalism

Table of Key Events in the Indian Freedom Movement (1927-1939): A Detailed Overview
Here’s a complete table outlining the key events and details related to the Second Phase of Mass Struggle in India (1927-1939), including a brief story for each event mentioned:
Event | Details |
Simon Commission |
Demand of Purna Swaraj |
Dandi March and Civil Disobedience Movement |
Round Table Conferences |
Poona Pact |
Government of India Act, 1935 |
Faizpur Agrarian Programme, 1936 |
Indian Provincial Election, 1937 |
Wardha Education Scheme |
This detailed table provides a comprehensive overview of each event during the Second Phase of the Mass Struggle in India (1927-1939), highlighting their significance and impact on the Indian freedom movement.
- The Second Phase of Mass Struggle in India stands as a testament to the resilience, unity, and determination of the Indian people in their quest for freedom. It was during these years that the foundation for a free and independent India was laid, inspiring generations to come. The sacrifices made and the struggles endured during this period served as a catalyst for the eventual triumph of the Indian independence movement, making it a cornerstone of the nation’s history and a source of inspiration for people around the world.
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